At Motion Redefined we believe that the proper functioning of the neuro-musculoskeletal system is a fundamental pillar for building a healthy, functional and pain-free body.

The first contact and all the stages of rehabilitation and development of physical qualities are accompanied by critical, logical and argumentative thinking about the strategy adopted, fostering in the client self-knowledge for change and evolution.

We create an environment conducive to understanding the cause of the dysfunction. In a first phase we listen and evaluate obtaining all the necessary information to elaborate a strategy of correction, integration and optimisation.

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The approach is holistic and integrated based on the latest scientific evidence, bringing together:



The process takes into account the integrity of the body to:


Evaluation of possible causes of injury or pain symptoms through an evaluation of dysfunctional movements, postural changes and structural imbalances.


Restarting the nervous system using breathing techniques, dynamic neuromuscular stabilization principles and improved joint mobility.


Integration of acquired aspects into more complex and global movements so that the body moves more efficiently and painlessly in any day-to-day situation.


Optimization of the base achieved by improving physical qualities such as Strength, Speed and Endurance so that you can make the most of your capabilities.

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Do you have what it takes to move the way you want?

If your body does not have the ability to perform a certain movement efficiently, it will find a way to continue moving even if it is not beneficial, often leading to injury.

Movement Optimisation is the first step to a renewed function, designed to improve your performance, reduce your risk of injury and improve your quality of life in the long term.

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“Exercise is a human invention designed to allow us to compensate for the fact that we are not living the way we are supposed to.”

Dr. Andreo Spina

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

Edward Stanley

“The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.”



“During the training process my pains have been diminishing and currently I feel no pain. I highly recommend it because the work done is extremely professional and focused on the client’s difficulties, focusing on aspects that need more attention.”

- Maria de Graça Ballardin

“I have a scoliosis with a marked S curvature (32 degrees of deviation), diagnosed at age 12. Until I started training I had to resort to the osteopath every 3 months; after starting training, in 4 years, I only resorted to the specialist once.”

- Rita Martins

“The work was very individualized and with diversified strategies and allowed me to improve posture, breathing and also the increase of muscle mass in the best effort / result ratio”

- Catarina Miguel Martins


Ankle Mobility

November 29, 2020|

The foot and ankle form the basis of support for the human body, providing the stability needed to assume a bipedal posture. The compromise of ankle mobility caused by posture [...]

Grip Strength

November 29, 2020|

Grasping Strength is correlated with upper limb strength, general body strength and functional capacity as well as nutritional status, bone mineral density, cardiovascular risk factors and mortality. How can the [...]