Motion Redefined was born out of dissatisfaction with the conventional approach to developing physical qualities and resolving pain and injury symptoms.

We intrinsically believe that a well-functioning neuro-muscle-articular system is a fundamental pillar for building a healthy, functional and pain-free body.

The approach is focused on a holistic and integrated solution, bringing together knowledge related to postural correction, neuromuscular therapy and training of physical qualities based on the latest scientific evidence.

From the first contact to the various levels of rehabilitation and development of physical qualities, all stages are accompanied by critical, logical and argumentative thinking of the strategy adopted, fostering self-knowledge for change and evolution.

We create an environment conducive to understanding the cause of the dysfunction, where in a first phase we listen and evaluate, obtaining all the necessary information to develop a strategy for correction, integration and optimization.

The whole process is based on the consideration for the integrity of the body and is therefore suitable for all those who want to prevent and rehabilitate an injury, restore the quality of movement, integrate and optimize their physical condition in order to improve the quality of life and sporting longevity in the long term.


Born in Évora, I am passionate about the human body and its complexity. At the age of 17 I had my first contact with the world of “weights” and immediately ceased to be a hobby to be the target of great interest, motivating my entire academic and professional career. Strength training has always been my focus. I especially like Powerlifting, Kettlebells and Body Weight training.

The ambition of wanting to know more about Health and Human Performance, led me to hold a degree in Sports Science and a Masters in Exercise and Health from the University of Évora.

Dissatisfied with the conventional approach to solving pain and injury symptoms, I soon realised that the intervention had to be more global. The responsibility and commitment I assume in my intervention led me to carry out a series of complementary certifications in the area of rehabilitation, sports performance and nutrition and the constant search for answers to the individual needs of each client also led me to a growing interest in Manual Therapies.

My commitment is to put people in the best position to take control of their health so that they can succeed in any aspect of their personal and professional lives.




Identify the causes of the musculoskeletal complaints. Starting from a qualitative observation of movement patterns exposing possible limitations and dysfunctions, we move towards a more detailed and segmented analysis through the measurement of joint amplitude, orthopedic, muscular and neurological tests allowing a precise intervention to restore function and movement without pain.


Aimed at the different parts of the body which are at the origin of the cause of the dysfunction and which need more specific intervention. It aims to restore the normal functioning of the structure by improving joint mobility and stability and neuromuscular function by promoting more efficient and pain-free movement.


Integrate all acquired requirements into more complex and functional movements. The movements will be introduced in a gradual and planned way promoting the resilience that the body requires for a positive and effective adaptation.


We emphasize the movement’s competence by building a broad motor repertoire as a basis for taking control of your health. Each session incorporates the general development of physical qualities such as strength, speed and endurance in an appropriate manner.


EXOS is a leader in the field of human performance, a category it created more than 15 years ago. Today, EXOS employs more than 3,500 people in over 400 locations worldwide. With award-winning facilities, technology, and services, EXOS helps people take control of their health and performance so they can achieve what matters most to them. EXOS is trusted by hundreds of clients, including one-quarter of Fortune 100 companies, world champions in sports, and leaders in health care, military, and community organizations

The nervous system establishes programs that control human posture, movement and gait. This ‘motor control’ is largely established during the first critical years of life. Therefore, the “Prague School” emphasizes neurodevelopmental aspects of motor control in order to assess and restore dysfunction of the locomotor system and associated syndromes. The “Prague School” of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine was established by key neurologists/physiatrists, all of whom were giants in the 20th Century rehabilitation movement: Professors’ Vaclav Vojta, Karel Lewit, Vladimir Janda, and Frantisek Vele. Based upon the groundbreaking neurodevelopmental and rehabilitation principles described by these mentors, Pavel Kolar has organized the next generation of clinical protocols that are designed to restore and stabilize locomotor function. This new rehabilitation approach is called Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS).

Developed by world-renowned musculoskeletal, and human movement expert Dr. Andreo Spina, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®), is a system of joint health, and mobility training based in scientific principals and research. Mobility refers to the amount of USABLE motion that one possesses across a particular articulation (joint). The more mobile a person is, the more they are able to maximize their movement potential safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Functional Movement Systems, Inc. (FMS) is an education company that produces and promotes principles and methodologies to enhance movement as individuals engage in physical activity. We are committed to giving fitness, healthcare and performance professionals actionable steps to help people around the world first move well. Then, move often.

NutriScience is the leading Portuguese company in Advanced Training in Clinical, Sports and Functional Nutrition, and is composed of a team of national and foreign nutritionists and researchers. In addition to training, NutriScience provides Consultancy services, the objective of which is to bring nutritional advice to its clients and make them aware of the main scientific discoveries and novelties in the market, helping clients in specific areas of nutrition.